Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association

Waterford Lakes HOA Minutes

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

July 2019 Canadian Geese Bulletin

Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association
July 15, 2019 Bulletin

We will not have an HOA Meeting this month with all the special activities in July.  We would like to update you however on what the Board is discussing.
Treasurer’s Report (end of June):                  Checking:                               $19,026
                                                            Roofing Reserve Fund:        $82,752
                                                            CD:                                          $51,357
                                                            Profit/Loss:                            $3735
                                                            % of Budget Spent               35%

Solutions to the Canadian Geese Problem:
The Board had a special meeting Saturday, July 13th to discuss ways to reduce the goose problems.  Anne Inman will be chairing a committee of concerned residents and Board members to put a geese management plan together to implement by early Spring when the geese begin nesting.  We will be reaching out to other Avon Homeowner Association Presidents and the Town of Avon with our proposed plan.
Here are the facts.  Take time to look at a google map of the area around Waterford Lakes.  There are more than 30 retention ponds bordering our community.  Populations of Canada geese have dramatically increased over the past 25 years in urban areas where there are few predators and a dependable year-round supply of food and water.  They are particularly attracted to mowed lawns.  They graze on the grass and submerged aquatic vegetation.  They tend to nest behind our homes close to water where they are protected. They may return to nest at the same site in consecutive years. Adult pairs will stay together until one dies.  As you know, both parents will vigorously defend their goslings until they are able to fly.    Geese can live 10-24 years in the “wild”.  Geese molt once a year where worn, frayed and lost feathers are replaced with new ones.  This molting season is in June and July lasting about 45 days. None of the family can fly at this time hence the “herds” of geese migrating back and forth between our retention ponds and leaving 1-3 pounds of droppings per bird in their wake!  This is very unsanitary and unsightly. Geese in high concentrations are more likely to get diseases and parasites.  Goose droppings increase algae growth in our ponds.
Goose management costs significant money and is not a line item in our budget.  The Committee will be including a cost factor in their plan to be proposed to our membership in February, 2020.
Geese are very adaptable birds.  Consequently, our plan must be multi-faceted and something we ALL need to support, whether you live on a pond or not.  The first steps to remedy existing problems and preventing conflicts in our neighborhood are the following:
#1.       STOP Feeding the geese, ducks and birds in the Spring, Summer and Fall.  We understand if you would like to feed the birds in the Winter.  When their diets are no longer supplemented with handouts and they have to depend on the natural food supply, some may move on.  Effectively immediately, we are a NO FEED COMMUNITY.  Feeding attracts more geese to the area.  If our plan is to be successful in managing the population, we have to eliminate one of the causes.
#2.       We will discontinue mowing around the ponds this year as we consider a vegetation barrier.
The Geese Committee will be discussing the following elements for their proposed PLAN:
·      Continue changing the habitat
·      Plant Vegetation Barriers
·      Relocation/Euthanasia and permits
·      3ft. fences to impede migration
·      Multiple and changing harassment tactics
·      Noise-making devices
·      Chemical repellants
·      Lasers
·      Dogs
·      Permit to destroy eggs
·      Feeding
·      Public Health Concerns
·      Town-wide campaign
Contact Anne Inman at (317) 504-9268 if you would like to participate in the planning sessions. We will limit the committee to 8-9 residents.  We hope you will enthusiastically embrace the discussion and process of putting together a long-term plan.
Respectfully Submitted,

Anne Inman, Board Secretary 
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