Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association

Waterford Lakes HOA Minutes

Thursday, September 27, 2018

September 2018 Board Minutes

Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association Minutes & News
September 20, 2018

Attendance:    PSG (Susan Keene, Larry Edwards), Board (4), 21 Residents
Call To Order:                          6:35pm
Pledge of Allegiance
August Minutes Approved
Treasurer’s Report:             Checking:                   $27,462
                                                Roofing Reserve:      $103,611
                                                CD:                              $51,357
                                                Profit/Loss (8/31):    $7971
                                                % of Budget:              62%
Committee Reports:

Social Committee:
              Biscuits & Gravy Breakfast Saturday, October 13th 8am-10am at the Clubhouse.
RSVP to Geri Conway (268-4353) or Janell Miller (272-7268). Let Geri or Janell know
if you need a ride or would like breakfast delivered to your home.

The Men’s Breakfast at Emmy’s Saturday, October 13th 9:30am is still scheduled.

Over 30 ladies have called in their RSVP for the Ayre’s Tea Room lunch at the State Museum. John Brewer will be providing the transportation.  Janell will have confirmation within the week as to the date and time. Stay tune for more details.

Clubhouse Committee:
A deep cleaning of the clubhouse was done this month. Amazing how much better the carpet looks. We will make a point of doing an annual carpet cleaning going forward. In addition, we cleaned the fabric on the chairs, woodwork, blinds, appliances, etc.  Our next project is to strip the years of wax off the linoleum and hopefully restore the floor to its’ original color. Wish us luck!  New rugs were put down at the entrances to eliminate tripping hazards.
Architecture & Landscaping Committee:  28 residents chose to have Growing Image (Nature’s Choice) aerate their yards this month. Some additional yards will be aerated/over seeded this week. Invoices will be mailed to the home for those participating. 
As weather permits, we will try to spread out Mr. Sandavol’s mowing/trimming services to every other week.  We only have five mows left in the budget for 2018.  We would like to keep a reserve in case it snows before January 1st…Ugh!  The high temperatures and humidity in September has played havoc with the ponds.  Consequently, we received an additional treatment September 18th.  Five roofs have been completed with two more to be done before the end of the year.  We will be preparing the shade garden and entrances for the winter in October.  A special thanks to Joy & John Shew for maintaining the North entrance area again this year.

Old Business: 

New Business:
1.     The Board will meet October 13th with Property Services Group to prepare the 2019 Budget that you will vote on at the November HOA Meeting.
2.     There was additional discussion on a rental ban policy.  Luann Elsbury was adamant that the Committee expedite an amendment and vote.  Sharon Simmons reinforced the fact that it must be approved by 75% of the residents, not a simple majority.  We discussed the fact that we have great renters, many of which have been here a long time.  We want to encourage renters to participate in HOA social events.  See attached statement from the Rental Policy Committee.
3.     Welcome to Frank & Barbara Roselli who purchased 8048 & 8052 Crystal Court.
4.     Betsy Burdge commented on the south entrance light pole flickering. We will get the number off the pole and report it to Duke Energy.
5.     The Board has asked Larry Edwards to get numbers so we can purchase next year’s roofing materials before the end of the year.  With the hurricane, materials will be scarce and prices are increasing.
6.     The Board has asked Larry to line up a different contractor to repair the public sidewalk in front of the Bank’s home on Waterford Court.  It is a tripping hazard.
7.     We are asking Reese Wholesale for an estimated timeline for repairing the Gillespie driveway damaged last summer when roofing materials were delivered.
Door Prize Winner:  Joe Richardson
Next Meeting Thursday, October 18th at 6:30pm
Rental Ban Committee Report:          Protecting Our Community

The Waterford Lakes Community has been around since 1997 and the leadership continues to monitor activities that will preserve the value and the well-being of our community.  In the next several months, you will learn more about the efforts to incorporate an amendment to our Covenants addressing “rentals” both short and long term.

Why We Want A Rental Policy?
There are two main factors that are driving the effort to control rentals in our community:
1.     To protect/build property value
2.     To preserve a safe and secure environment
What Are We Working On?
The Board has created a special committee to work through the various aspects of this process with our first goal being to present recommendations to the Board and PSG. The second goal is to communicate the recommended policy to our homeowners and residents.  Our ultimate goal is to bring the rental ban amendment to vote in the 2019.
How Will This Amendment Impact You?
Current owners do not need to worry about the forthcoming amendment.  The amendment being discussed, will take effect at time of approval with new/future owners when there is a change of ownership.
We Would Like To Hear from You
Your feedback is important to the committee.  We are planning several ways to communicate the details and progress of this amendment:
·       Monthly HOA meetings & minutes/newsletters
·       Mass email communications
·       Contact Brandon at PSG (317) 837-9860 to communicate your thoughts and questions.
·       Email your questions/comments to the committee at:  anneinman1@hotmail.com
·       We are evaluating how best to include updates on the website (www.psgcondos.com) click on Waterford Lakes.
Share your feedback with committee members:  Steve Cooper, John Shew, Dawn Lowden,     Don Ulrey, Janell Miller, Anne Inman.