Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association

Waterford Lakes HOA Minutes

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

November 2016 Board Minutes

Waterford Lakes HOA Meeting Minutes 17 November 2016

Meeting was called to order.  Board members present were Maggie Jones, Don Ulrey, Caroline King and Jo Grimes.  Present from PSG Management were Larry Edwards and Susan Keene.

Secretarial report:  October meeting minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer’s report for October activity:
Income                                           $13,460.89
Expenses                                         15,001.82
Net Income                                       (1,540.93)
YTD Profit/Loss                               15,214.41
Checking Acct Bal                           31,982.21
Roofing Reserve                        $179,789.32

·      Financial:  Although we had a loss in October, we are still ahead of budget.  We had unexpected expenses for tree removal and the fertilization which was approved by the Board during the budget meeting.
·       Architectural:  New architectural guidelines will be ready for distribution in advance of our January meeting.  The Board thanked the committee for all their hard work.
·      Social:  Don’t forget to volunteer to go caroling on 16 December.  You may contact either Geri Conway 317.506.9344 or Janell Miller 317.506.0758.  We received a nice thank you note for our business from Sandoval.
·      Old Business:  There continues to be conversation about geese control.  The difficulty arises as the geese get used to scare tactics and they have been very clever about getting around our attempts to block their access to the ponds.
·      New Business:  Gutters will be cleaned again once the leaves have fallen.  There were many questions about the roofing project.  The Board advised that the cost to roof each building will be approximately $12,000 and we will roof eight buildings per year and three the last year.  The clubhouse will also be re-roofed.  Old shingles will be torn off, substructure inspected and repaired, as necessary, and new 40-year shingles installed.  We expect to complete the project in less than eight years. We expect an increase in the cost to mow in 2017 but have not yet seen the contract.  We have not signed a new contract for lawn service and snow removal and we increased the budget by 15% to make sure it was covered.  After a good discussion of the items in the proposed 2017 budget, it was accepted by a show of hands.

The meeting was adjourned.  There will not be a meeting in December. Our next meeting will be 19 January at 6:30 PM

Reminder:  Effective 1 Jan 2017, HOA fees will increase to $150.00 a month.