Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association

Waterford Lakes HOA Minutes

Monday, April 1, 2019

March 2019 Board Minutes

Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association Special Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2019

Attendance:  4 Board Members, 2 Property Managers, 26 residents
Call to Order & Pledge
February Minutes Approved
Treasurers Report:                              Checking Account:                              $38,145
                                                                        Roofing Reserve Fund:                     $121,796
                                                                        Certificate of Deposit:                     $51,357

Committee Reports:
                  Social Committee:
·       Men’s Breakfast at Emmy’s                              Saturday, April 13th @ 9:30am
·      Ladies Lunch at Grays Cafeteria                    Saturday, April 6th  RSVP to Janell 317-506-0758
·       “Potato Bar” Lunch  Gathering                    Saturday May 18th @ 1:00pm ( flyer to come)
·      Next “Game Day” (clubhouse)                      Wednesday, April 18th  from 1pm-3:30pm
·       Community Garage Sale                                    June 21st & 22nd
·       Keep Saturday evening July 6th open…exciting announcement coming soon
Landscaping & Architecture:
·       Be sure to submit the architecture/landscaping change form for approval before making any exterior/landscaping changes
·       The North Entrance will be refreshed with the removal of the large dying yews and the addition of 12 cubic yards of large river rock and Preen for weed control.
·       Joy Shew, our resident “green thumb”, will be planting wave petunias to add some much needed color at the entrances.
·       At the South Entrance, the old daylilies will be replaced with the wave petunias.
·       6 cubic yards of black mulch will be spread to freshen up the Shade Garden once again.
·       The arbivitaes and dead shrubs along the west side of the clubhouse are to be removed. Next year the landscaping around the clubhouse will be evaluated.
·       At some point this season, lower tree limbs interfering with the mowers and sidewalks will be trimmed.
·       You may remove your snow stakes and set them in your garage for next winter.  Those that are not picked up will be stored at the clubhouse.  Many of you have purchased your own stakes.
We are pleased to announce that we have contracted with the Why Not Today faith-based non-profit organization (www.whynottodayindiana.org) started by John and Joy Shews’ daughter & son-in-law.  They will provide the hard labor necessary for these projects along with Don & Becky Ulreys’ two grandsons. 
This will be a win-win for all involved, while saving us money.  Why Not Today (WNT) is a non-profit that was created to put a dent in hunger locally.  The WNT Farms grow fresh vegetables, fruits, and raises cattle and chickens to feed those locally in-need through the Hendricks County Food Coalition, Project Homeless Indy, and other Central Indiana food pantries.  We have 23 food pantries in Hendricks County alone.
When you see “our” local youth working in the Community in the next two weeks, take time to tell them thank you!
Election Committee:
Anne Inman is the only candidate for the open Board position.  She will be approved at the April Annual Meeting April 18th.  This will be a 3 year term.
Clubhouse Committee:
Residents reserving the clubhouse have done a great job keeping it clean. Thank you.
Communication Committee:
·       Updated inserts to last year’s community directory will be distributed this summer.
·       New weatherproof signs have been made to hang from the Clubhouse wood sign announcing HOA Meetings and social events.
·       Bill Jamerson will be posting the monthly HOA Meeting reminder signs at the entrances going forward.
Old Business:     None
New Business:
1.      Muskrats have been spotted swimming breaststroke in the two ponds on the north end of the neighborhood.  We will be granting permission to an experienced resident landowner to safely trap and euthanize the muskrats.  This will be a year-round effort to reduce the population and damage caused by their burrowing activity and bank dens.  Young muskrats are especially vulnerable to predation by owls, hawks, raccoons, and coyotes which helps to keep the population down.

2.     Tonight was the first special meeting to vote on the proposed signage and rental ban amendments.  Here are the results as of the March 21st meeting:
·       61#   Total Proxies/Ballots Cast out of 106# units
·       54%  Participation Percentage as of 3/21/19
·       45#   Proxies still outstanding
·       52#  “YES” Votes
·       9#    “NO”  Votes

3.     Next steps:   The Amendment Committee will be contacting the residents who have an outstanding proxy and ask them to be submitted. Your proxy/vote is important. Our goal is 100% participation. At a future special meeting, votes will be cast for these remaining proxies.  If you have already registered your proxy/vote you will not have to vote again. Keep in mind, we need a minimum of 75% (80# homeowner units) to vote “YES” for the proposed Amendments to be approved.  Technically, we have 180 days from when the proxies were issued to collect the remaining proxies. However, we hope to wrap this up in the next 4 weeks.
Questions have come up on the Sign Amendment. The proposed sign amendment is tied to the owner-occupancy amendment proposed. It does two things: (1) it eliminates “for rent” signs should the rental amendment be approved; (2) it updates the “political sign” language to match Indiana law. Current owners with rental units would be grandfathered in regards to rental signs. Should the amendments not be approved, we will still have to do an amendment to get our Covenants in line with Indiana law regarding political signs.
Just this week many of our homeowners have received “personalized” notes mailed to their home from companies wishing to buy up property in Waterford Lakes.  One of the primary objectives of the “owner occupancy” amendment is to prevent institutional/corporate buyers from coming into our community.  We are being targeted, because many of the communities like ours in Hendricks County, have rental bans already in place.
According to the proposed amendment any “new” owner will be bound to keep the home owner-occupied. However, current owners have been grandfathered. The Amendment takes into consideration estate planning for the future as most of our residents are retired or empty-nesters.  Part of that process may be placing your property in the name of a trust, a relative (child), etc.  Just because you may be no longer on the deed as a result of estate planning, you do not need to move!  That’s not what we are trying to accomplish by restricting rentals and other non-owner arrangements.           Contact Anne Inman @ 317-504-9268 or by email: anneinman1hotmail.com with any questions or points you need clarified.  We are still accepting outstanding proxies.
Door Prize Winner:          Anna Brown (Lake View Court)
Respectfully Submitted,

·      Annual Waterford Lakes HOA Meeting is Thursday, April 18th at 6:30pm
·      The Next Hendricks County Tox-Away Day is April 6th  8am-1pm @ Brownsburg High School
·      Free Heavy Trash & Shred Day also April 6th at the Public Works Salt facility behind Ashley Furniture (9am-1pm)
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