Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association

Waterford Lakes HOA Minutes

Monday, October 30, 2017

September 2017 Board Minutes

Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes      September 21, 2017
Attendees:            23 residents, Board of Directors, PSG
Call To Order:                                                                             6:35pm
Motion to Approve August Minutes:                         Approved
Officer’s Report’s:
Treasurer’s August Financial Reports:                       
Checking Account:                                   $16,810
Roofing Reserve Fund                             $116,943
Money Market CD (Reserve)                   $51,282                                  
Total Net Worth:                                       $185,035                               
Expenses to date as a % of Budget:         69%
Secretary/Compliance Officer:  Starting the October 19th meeting, we will begin to incorporate Robert’s Rules of Order adapted for smaller organizations.  These will be our guidelines for the HOA meetings.  This should make for more enjoyable, interactive meetings with decorum in discussing issues.  This meeting was a good start moving in this direction. Thanks for your participation.
Committee Reports:
1.     Social Committee: 
15 ladies went to Coachman’s for dinner and friendship September 8th in a hot pink limousine.  A  special thank you to John & Dee Brewer (Airport Executive Car Service) for providing the transportation.  They are listed in our new neighborhood directory 317-507-5703. 

Ladies, mark your calendar for lunch Saturday, October 14th at Dawson’s Too in Brownsburg.  They have excellent food including sandwiches, salads and full meals.  To RSVP, contact Janell Miller at (317) 506-0758 (cell). Transportation will be provided. We will meet at the Clubhouse at 11:30am.  Reminder, everyone pays for their own lunch and tips.      
Join your neighbors Saturday evening December 2nd to tour the city and enjoy Christmas Lights. There is a $5.00 non-refundable charge per person for the bus.  To RSVP, pay Janell Miller your $5.00. Don’t wait too long as space on the bus is limited. Contact Janell Miller at (317) 506-0758 (cell).  Airport Executive Car Service is providing this luxurious bus and tour of Christmas Lights.
Thank you to Sharon Simmons, Geri Conway, Janell Miller, Barbara Stauch, Martha Bosma, and Maggie Jones for putting together the Sundae Fun Day September 15th.  42 residents attended. The ice cream sundaes and decorations were wonderful!

Mike Barr suggested having a community golf tournament next year.  Another resident suggested a fishing contest for family and friends.  We would like to hear your ideas for future events.

Architecture & Landscaping Committee Report:  The committee is doing an assessment of the neighborhood infrastructure.  This will be important for a 5yr. and 10 yr. plan.  As a result of the initial assessment, Property Services Group is repairing/replacing mail boxes, posts, collars and lamps that we identified.  Included with the minutes is information on lawn fertilization and retention pond treatments for your review.  Thursday, October 19th at our 6:30 HOA Meeting we will have Bridgette from Growing Image to speak to the pond and lawn treatment.

Edwards Roofing has completed roofing our 7th patio home building this year. We expect the cost of roofing supplies to increase due to a supply & demand issue created by the hurricanes.

Barbara Stauch has suggested a landscaping contest in 2018.  We will be putting a committee together to plan the community event, categories and prizes.

Community Phone Directory: Please change the Board of Directors phone number for Caroline King, VP & Architecture/Landscaping Committee Chair to 317-709-5905.

Old Business:       No discussion.

New Business:   Several residents submitted to PSG written suggestions to be considered by the residents and Board.  We appreciate the thought and time that went into each suggestion.  The Board encourages you to contact Property Services Group at least 10 days prior to a HOA meeting with specific items you would like discussed in an open forum.
1.     Don Johnson (Crystal Court) has suggested for consideration that we allow a vegetation barrier on the north side of Waterford Lakes to deter geese from migrating into the neighborhood. He feels this could be accomplished by allowing the grass to grow tall as a buffer strip between the soccer fields and trees bordering Crystal Court.  There would be no cost to do this. As you may know, the soccer fields by the church are a geese magnet. We have planted shrubs as a barrier on the east and west sides.  The south side has the fence and pine trees bordering the shopping center.
2.     Bill Jamerson (Waterford Lane) suggested revisiting the idea of a buffer strip around the ponds. This would be at least a foot wide and 6-12 inches tall.  He feels this would reduce the amount of organic matter/debris/grass clippings going into the ponds and make it easier for our volunteers to retrieve trash from the ponds.  He also thinks this might be a deterrent for the geese entering the ponds because they would be concerned about their natural enemies like snakes.  Bill feels it would give a more natural look to the pond; it has worked well in the past; and would be cost effective.  A resident commented that we have tried this before and it didn’t work as the geese adapt to the tall grass. Another felt the grass border around the ponds was not aesthetically pleasing. 
3.     Cathy Winterrowd submitted two (2) suggestions for consideration.   Every year we have the discussion on when to mow or not mow during the hot, dry season.  We do have about a dozen residents now that water their lawns.  Cathy has recommended in the past that we have Mr. Sandavol do partial mows to accommodate those individuals.  Trying to think out of the box, she suggested the HOA purchase and store their own lawn mower. And, have PSG’s employees mow the yards that need cutting.  The Board commented we could not store a lawn mower, gas and oil in the clubhouse storage room for a variety of reasons including: our insurance policy, space limitations, and the smell of gasoline in the clubhouse.  Subcontracting would be a breach of our contract with Sandavol Landscaping.  FYI - We currently have an excellent contract with Sandavol. We pay less than $10 per unit for mowing & trimming service. As a result of Cathy’s suggestion, the Board is brainstorming some other options to possibly put in the 2018 budget.

Cathy also raised concerns about fireworks in the neighborhood.  Her concerns include the noise level, late time, pets being scared, and risk of debris falling on the roofs.  Personally she felt the fireworks the 4th of July holiday were unsafe, too loud and too late.   Avon’s code (Article 7: Fireworks) states fireworks are restricted to designated times.  Between the hours of 5pm and 2 hours after sunset on June 29, June 30, July 1, July 2, July 3, July 5, July 6, July 7, July 8, and July 9;  Between the hours of 10am and midnight on July 4th;  And, between the hours of 10am December 31st and 1am on January 1st.  The Indiana Code 22-11-14 is not as restrictive as Avon’s code. Residents at the meeting commented that they felt we should not become any more restrictive in Waterford Lakes than the Town of Avon’s fireworks code.

We had a lively discussion at the meeting and several action items resulted.  The Board/PSG will research the cost-benefit/feasibility of the following:
1.     Constructing a fence along the north border.  Investigating Town of Avon fence regulations.
2.     Adding blue dye to the ponds to shade and reduce algae growth.
3.     Putting riprap around the ponds.
4.     Using dogs (“geese police”)
If you want to see what a 10 ft. vegetation barrier around a pond looks like, stop by the Town of Avon park north of US 36.  This is what DNR recommends as one strategy.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:30pm.

Submitted By,

Anne Inman, Secretary
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