Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association

Waterford Lakes HOA Minutes

Monday, February 20, 2017

February 2017 Board Minutes

Waterford Lakes HOA Meeting Minutes 16 February 2017

Meeting was called to order.  Board members present were Maggie Jones, Don Ulrey, Caroline King and Jo Grimes.  Present from PSG Management were Larry Edwards and Susan Keene.

Secretarial report:  January meeting minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer’s report for January
Income                                           $15,961.97
Expenses                                           3,151.37
Monthly Profit Loss                         12,810.60
YTD Profit/Loss                               12,810.60
Checking Acct Bal                           36,718.72
Roofing Reserve                        $192,174.19

·      Financial:  We are starting the year in a strong financial position and put an additional $6K in the Roofing Reserve.
·      Architectural:  Reminder that any changes to the front doors must be approved by the Board. Please refer to the new Guidelines.
·      Social:  The pancake breakfast was a success and we thank everyone who came and all those who helped prepare and clean up.  We will have a garage sale later this year and will provide more details when available.  Jean Phillips is now living at Sugar Grove.
·      Old Business: There was nothing to address.
·      New Business:  The insurance premium on our master policy will increase 1% this year. The pond treatment, fountain maintenance and storage, and fertilization.  We anticipate that all costs for these services will be within budget.  PSG is preparing a roofing schedule which they hope to mail with the annual meeting notice.  We’ve have several residents express concern about the wind blowing leaves and we encourage residents to rake their yards to help keep them under control.  We do a late Fall mowing to mulch them but that sometimes occurs too early in the season to be sufficient.
On 1 April and 7 October, Avon will do heavy trash disposal and shredding from 9:00AM to 1:00PM, at Avon’s salt barn behind Ashley Furniture. 
In April, we will be electing three homeowners to serve on the Board. If you are interested, please contact PSG to have your name placed on the ballot.  We would like to send out the ballots, annual meeting notice and proxies in one mailing.

·      The meeting was adjourned. . Our next meeting will be 16 March at 6:30 PM.
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