Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association

Waterford Lakes HOA Minutes

Friday, August 23, 2013

August 2013 Board Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7 pm and Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
Board: Maggie Jones, , Susan Jamerson, Cathy Winterrowd, and Mike Barr were present. Don Ulrey was absent.
PSG Management: Larry Edwards and Susan Keene were present.
July Minutes were approved.
Don Ulrey, treasurer’s report: given by Susan Keene
July income:……..$13,365.19                                              Expenses:………… $15,837.37
Checking account balance…..$10,672.84                             Net Worth……..$140,847.35
Reserve Fund:…….. $137,056.51
Architectural Report: none.
Social Committee Report: Susan Jamerson reported Ice Cream Social was a success. Thank you for celebrating all residents birthdays and for the fun and memories.  Susan introduced our new resident “Gloria Genrich”,  218 Lakewood Ct.    Thank you to Virginia Linville for her complimentary thank you card to the HOA board members.  
Landscaping: Bricks to be purchased for edging of common areas.  High grass around ponds to be mowed only once a month.  Dead Ash tree on Lakeview Ct to be replaced in the fall.  Hawthorne bushes to be planted in the fall along fence line between us and Austin Lakes.
New Business:   Gutters will be cleaned in the fall by PSG.     PSG will provide a splash block for resident on Lakewwod Ct.    Electrical service for new fountain has been installed on Waterford Ct.    Complaint issued for fountains not being centered in ponds. PSG will monitor placement of fountains with ASAP next spring.  Cathy reported 11 participants for our garage sale last month.
Cathy also reported that a sidewalk for Lakewood Ct is on the Avon town agenda per Ryan (town council).    Four homes reported vandalism on Waterford Ct.  Suggestion was made by resident to have motion sensor lights installed. This is a home owners responsibility.   Please report any vandalism or trespassing (non-residents fishing in our ponds) to the Avon police.  Avon leash law requires all dogs should be on a leash.  Remember to pick up after your pet no matter where they may mess.    
 Motion made to adjourn.                      
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