Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association

Waterford Lakes HOA Minutes

Friday, October 16, 2020

Waterford July 2020 Board Minutes


Waterford Lakes HOA Board Meeting Minutes

July 16th, 2020

Attendance:    3 Board Members, 7 residents, Susan Keene & Larry Edwards

Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance

June Minutes Q&A and Approval:     

*A resident clarified that she would like to see at least bi-monthly meetings.

Treasurer’s Report:     

 Checking Account:      $21,874           

Certificate of Deposit:  $53,209

Roofing Reserve Fund: $119,574        Total Net Worth:       $183,618

Two of the six roofs scheduled to be done this year have been completed.  A reminder that residents cannot dictate the hours the roofing contractor works.  They need to start early in the morning before the shingles get to hot by mid-day.  Hot shingles can be damaged when they are walked on. Temps get over 120 degrees on the roof.

The Finance Committee will do a power point presentation at a Special Meeting Thursday, September 24th to walk through the establishment of a General Reserve Fund; the next 5-Year General Reserve Plan; and how we will fund the General Reserve.  Stay tune for a special meeting notice at your door for times.  We will have two back-to-back meeting sessions to allow for more distancing. Masks recommended.

Committee Reports:

Social Committee:      This Saturday, July 25th will be the Cookout from 1-3pm.  RSVP to Janell Miller (317-506-0758) or Geri Conway (317-268-4353) if you plan to attend no later than Tuesday.  Special Accommodations are being made including: Servers will wear masks and gloves; there will be a canopy outside with tables and chairs; indoor seating will only be four per table; carryout and “car hops” available; pre-package utensils, condiments and chips.  Please make a reservation by Tuesday so we have enough food available. Currently we have 50 signed up.  Please come rain or shine.

Saturday, September 12th will be the popular Biscuits & Gravy Breakfast from 8:30am -10:30am.

Landscape & Architecture Control:  A reminder to not permanently attach anything to the exterior surfaces of your unit.  We appreciate that resident are taking the time to submit the architecture & landscaping change form for approval before starting a project.  The forms are on our website at www.psgcondos.com.  There are many considerations as to whether we mow any given week including: those who have shaded back yards, watering, units for sale, how dry it is, etc.    We will have weeks we skip most likely between now and November.  We budget $27,240 for the season. We pay approximately $12/yard to have the mowing and trimming done.  On top of that, the Sandavol’s do special projects like mowing around the ponds, edging the sidewalks, and picking up limbs & trash along the way.  Mr. Sandavol has experienced the past two years how difficult it is to find employees that will do this type of hard work. He is behind on the shrubbery trimming as a result this year. Crystal Court and Waterford Lane are completed.  Contact Anne Inman @ 317-504-9268 if you are interested in purchasing the garage door hardware ($15) or new exterior lights.

Geese Control:            The work done this spring to destroy the nests and eggs has really paid off.  Typically, during the June/July timeframe when the geese cannot fly, we have hundreds on our property.  Thanks to all the residents that are herding them away with their lasers.  The sidewalks are much cleaner this year as a result which the walkers appreciate.

Clubhouse:      We are starting to rent the clubhouse once again.  We appreciate the care our residents are taking in cleaning up after their event.  We are sanitizing surfaces between events.  Contact Brandon at PSG if you would like to rent the facility for a family get together.

Community Directory:           Peggy Burke has updated the community directory but we have 3 more units in the process of being sold.  We will hold off distribution until these residences are closed. 

Old Business:  None

New Business:            None

Open Forum:   A resident asked about if low hanging tree limbs would be trimmed. The Board has a standing authorization for Mr. Sandavol to trim tree limbs that are too low to clear his mowers.  Another resident mentioned that the American Legion will take old flags that are worn and shredded to dispose of them properly.  A resident called to say a bag of dog waste was put in her garbage can on a Wednesday night.  It got in the bottom of her can and did not get disposed of by Rays.  All we can say is, as a dog owner do your best to be respectful.

Meeting Adjourned

Future Meetings:

Thursday, September 24th      Special Reserve Fund Meeting 6pm & 7:30pm

Thursday, November 19th      6:30pm            Annual Budget Meeting

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