Waterford Lakes Homeowners Association

Waterford Lakes HOA Minutes

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Special Meeting

Waterford Lakes HOA Special Meeting
Monday, September 9th         6:30pm

Date:              August 25, 2019
TO:      Residents

The President of our Homeowner’s Association has called a Special Meeting for Monday, September 9th @ 6:30pm.  The meeting has been scheduled to meet the requirements of our By-laws and to give our new homeowner’s the opportunity to cast their ballot/proxy.   In addition, a ballot will be cast for a corrected proxy.  This step will finalize the vote on the Sign and Owner-Occupancy Amendments.
Our attorney Scott Tanner passed away during the voting process and his staff has been overwhelmed trying to pick up the pieces in his absence. They have just finished the process of matching proxies/ballots to the names on each property deed to authenticate the votes.  During this time, we have had a change of ownership at two units and a proxy that has to be recast in the correct owner’s name.  To legally cast these votes by the named proxy-holders, it must be done at a Special Meeting called by the President and communicated by the Secretary.
We would appreciate it if you would stop by the Clubhouse Monday, September 9th @ 6:30pm for a very short meeting.  There will be nothing else on the agenda that night other than the formality of the balloting.  No matter how you voted, you can be assured that this process was legal and monitored every step of the way by our attorney’s office.

Anne Inman, Board Secretary
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